In Hungary
-1920 trianon
-1956 revolution
-1989 change power structure
-1918 republic
-1919 dictator ship
-1947 first electric after the II. world war
-1947 "II. Trianon"
-1920 Horthy became head of the country
-1938 Some territory of highland's and Sub-Carpatia reanexation
-1920 first free election
In the world
-1914 I. World War started
-1929 Black Friday
-1945 end of II. World War
-1993 Slovakia is independent
-1945 Hitler's death
-1944 D-day
-1945 Hiroshima, Nagasaki
-1942 conference in Vanessa
-1918 End of I. World War
-2001 Somebody attack to the World Trade center
2009.01.13. 16:49
10 important date
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